Saturday, September 29, 2012


We moved!! Sadly our time at the place we were housesitting- you know the one with the pool- is over. We really loved it over there-especially because of the pool- but we really like our new place too.

It's pretty small. It actually makes our apartment in Hawaii seem huge. But it's brand new and really clean. 

 Plus our landlords are awesome. I mean super awesome. Feed us all the time and give us things like a microwave and toaster oven awesome. love them already.

Here is our living room/dinning room/kitchen. No oven, but has a huge fridge. no cupboards, but we are going to put up some shelves. and of course, now we have a microwave and a toaster oven. super cool.

This is our bedroom/family room. (same room) our bed is super comfy and we have a fan AND an air conditioner. our TV is brand new too.

This is the closet we get to share. 

And this is the glass door that leads from our bedroom to the bathroom. yes that is the toilet you can see.

And this picture of the bathroom completes the virtual tour.

We are super grateful for this place and actually super lucky to find it. Never thought I would live in a place smaller than Hawaii, but it's all part of becoming Bonairian.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute place! I recently read an article about people who really love living in small places (500 sq ft or less.) They actually made it sound enticing. Less cleaning, less stuff, less rent. I'm sure you guys will love it.
