Sunday, September 30, 2012

churchy church weekend

We had a great weekend.

On Friday the Rama Bonaire had it's 22nd birthday! same age as me. we are basically twins.

In order to celebrate we had a birthday party for the Branch. There was a slide show put together of all of the baptisms that have taken place in the last 22 years. It was so cool to see all the members faces light up as each of their pictures came up on the screen. After the slide show we had cake. Not just any cake, but cake The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/Bonaire style. Which means 5 cakes.

These cakes were all so good. so good that I probably ate the equivalent of an entire cake by myself.
Hey, I'm pregnant, so I can.

First we sang happy birthday. once in english and once in papamiento. then the oldest and the youngest members of the branch got to blow out the candles. Dira is 3 and Josepha is 76. love them both.

The next day, Saturday, was Rama Bonaire's first baptism of 2012! His name is Machtonio Christiaano and he is super cool. He actually flagged the missionaries down while they were riding their bikes and told them he wanted to change his life and asked for their help.

In Bonaire, they don't have a baptismal font, so they do their baptisms in the ocean. way awesome.

Here are some pictures of Michtonios baptism.

Brandon was the designated picture taker.

Walking to the "font"




It was such a great experience. So glad that we could be part of it.

Later that night, after the baptism, was the General Relief Society Meeting Broadcast. Love here from our leaders and getting to know the new Presidency.

Here is the link to the General Relief Society Meeting Broadcast in case you missed it!

Such a great churchy church weekend! So grateful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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