Monday, September 24, 2012

European Style...

Another week. 

Brandon is doing great in school. His first test in all of his classes are this coming Friday and Monday. This is getting more real! He is going to do great though. I have spent many late hours quizzing him, and he knows his stuff. Wish him luck!

I was able to find a job! I should start this week. Yay! It's at a beach bar/restaurant called Karels. Its funny how I even got it in the first place. Brandon had a school get together at Karels and when Brandon and I went up to the bar to order our sodas the manager happened to be the bar tender and when he found out I wasn't a student and I was staying on the island and not just visiting he basically hired me on the spot. I didn't think that I was allowed to work while I was here, but apparently I can because I'm not a student. Awesome. It seriously is a huge blessing.

Brandon wanted me to put up some pictures of our very European supermarket, Van Dan Tweel.

Weirdest thing. If you want a normal sized shopping cart you have to pay like 50 cents or something like that, so we use the super tiny, free shopping basket.

They ONLY have bakery bread here. Darn.

And so much GOOD cheese.


Brandon's new addiction. But seriously he eats this whole thing in less than a week.

Yes, we buy milk in liters than comes in a carton and isn't refrigerated.

Still not sure what that means.

Or this.

Or this.

Haha. We mostly shop by pictures.

In other news...

Brandon joined the school soccer team and went to his first game on Saturday Night. They have a pretty legit league here that everyone takes pretty seriously. He did great. I mean really great. No mistakes great. and he had fun. 
He is the one in the light yellow shirt.

Funny story--I went to the stadium with Brandon before the game. I was the first non-player there and so I was sitting by myself when the team started warming up. After a few mins, these two girls show up, each with a bottle of liquor in there hands, and sit behind me and start talking about the team. Well about how they just come to see all the hot guys and that last semester they had hotter guys, and how they wish they had hot guys on the team this year, etc. and then one of them says, "Oh my gosh! Hot Married Guy is playing!" And then they kept going on about how hot he was and that they did the ring check and were so sad, blah, blah, blah. ( I was laughing to myself the whole time, because I was pretty sure they were talking about Brandon since he is really hot and as far as I knew the only married guy on the team.) So then another student shows up to watch the game and he happens to be in Brandon's class and they ask him what Hot Married Guy's name was and he said, "Oh that's Brandon." And I turned around and said, "Haha in your face! That's my husband!" Okay i didn't say "in your face", but I did say that he was my husband and those girls got SO, SO embarrassed. It was awesome.

ALSO, the most exciting news of all this week:

I bought Brandon a speedo. Yes, it is awesome. And it was only $5. How can anyone say no to that?! Everyone around here wears them anyway, and when in Bonaire... 
Plus,  he IS the hot married guy.

Chao for now.


  1. Oh man, wait till Marcus sees this...Brandon will not hear the end of it. Haha. Congrats on the job...and let's be honest, by now, you'd probably be able to sit his tests for him. He's lucky to have you as a study partner.

  2. Good luck in your test , Brandon. And, Lacey, this is how you say no to a speedo.... NO. :)

  3. Awesome post Lace Face, super funny about the girls creepin' on your husband. You gotta love that! :)

    Couple of things...

    About the shopping carts, in Spain you had to put in a dollar coin when you got the cart, but you got your coin back when you locked the cart back up. Keeps people from taking off with the carts, so see if it's the same at the grocery there. It's so much easier to shop with a cart than a little basket.

    Good luck to Brandon on his tests!!! It's a big day. :) However, I'm going to have to ask you not to post anymore SPEEDO pics of him. I had a bad "Brandon's Crack" experience on the hike to Rocky Peak once and I'm still trying to recover...

    I'm so jealous you have access to that Droste chocolate. Sooo good!

    Love you like crazy!

  4. Hey Lacey!

    Just stumbled across your little blog:) Looks like you guys are having a great adventure together-enjoy every second! And yep, I love the European aspect of it haha

  5. NO TO SPEEDOS haha i have never heard of a girl that likes them, so you are a first haha
