Sunday, January 6, 2013

Getting ready for Fletcher

With Fletcher's estimated arrival date getting closer and closer, Brandon and I have both been nesting...well Brandon has been nesting while I have been at work. (only one more week of work left!)

First thing we did was sell our little car. When we bought it we had Fletcher in mind, but we came to realize that us, Fletch+car seat, and a stroller could not all fit into the car at the same time. Bummer, because when we bought it, us being naive parents, thought that it would. So we sold our cute little Suzuki and got a four door Mazda truck that has plenty of room for us, Fletch+car seat, stroller, AND anyone that is coming to visit. 
We sold our suzuki for cash money and some very delicious european chocolate. true story.

Brandon has had a very productive break from school and has been building, painting, buying, and organizing things for Fletchers "room." After a lot of measuring, he came up with a plan and now our room is separated into a room for us and a room for Fletch. 

We have a limited amount of space so his goal was to maximize what we had. He did an amazing job.

First, he put up a rod and hung a curtain to separate the two rooms.

Then he built a changing table that hooks on to the crib and some shelves out of cinder blocks and wood from the construction going on at our house. Basically he built a nursery for $10. Super Dad.

He even picked out the paint himself-he chose the color because the name of it was North Shore, but it also just happened to match a changing pad that someone from work made and gave to me. Super awesome. 

This is a picture of a blanket that one of our friends who is also in Brandon's class made for us. Love it.

We are excited for baby Fletcher to get here! 

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