Sunday, October 14, 2012

getting fatter and loving it!

23 Weeks!! 

My tummy has finally popped, which is totally fine with me because now that little Fletch has come up a little higher there is a lot less pressure on my pelvis. Since I was about 18 weeks or so it hasn't been very fun to run because of the pressure that I was feeling down there, but now that that is gone I can finally run without so much pain! I can't even tell you how happy that makes me.

This week for our date we went to a little gelatto shop called Gio's. It was SO good. I have been in love with super dark chocolate lately and this week only they had super dark chocolate gelatto! The worker there said that they hardly ever make it, so I got a big scoop of it and enjoyed every last bite. Brandon got a coconut shake that was gone in less than three minutes. Yeah, it was that good. 

In other news-- Brandon and I got new callings in the Branch. I am the new Branch Chorister and Brandon is the new Second Counsellor of the Branch Presidency. He is a little nervous, but he will do great!!

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good Lacey! Love reading your blog.
