Sunday, October 7, 2012

1 month down, 15 to go!

This week I had a successful trip to the immigration office and I got the stamp in my passport that means I won't get deported!! 
Isn't it pretty?
I also started working this week at Karel's Beach and Cappuccino Bar. It's pretty fun. I'm a waitress/bartender. I know, right? It's pretty cool though because it is on a pier out in the ocean. I haven't really taken any pictures yet, but it actually is beautiful. and of course there are fish everywhere. we feed them the extra french fries that people don't eat. Here is a picture that I pulled off the internet. I'll take some better ones. promise.
The funniest thing about working here, is that because I am white, everyone thinks that I am Dutch. So not used to to that! I honestly say, "I'm sorry, but I don't speak Dutch" all day long. It's hilarious. People are so surprised when I tell them this! They seriously are in shock and as me, "are you sure?" Yep. Pretty sure. Haha!

OH! Brandon got his test scores back! Let's just say, out of the four classes that he is taking (Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, and Clinical Ethics) Ethics was his lowest score. Genius, right?! 

Also, I'm 22 weeks and my clothes are starting to get a little tight. only 18 more weeks to go...

This weekend was the semi-annual General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. one of my favorite weekends of the entire year! 

"General conference is a semiannual gathering of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. During general conference weekend, Church members and others gather worldwide in a series of two-hour sessions to receive inspiration and instruction from Church leaders."

If you missed it or want to learn more, you can watch General Conference online!

Here is a picture of Brandon and I watching General Conference with other members of the branch!

Here are some of the thoughts I wrote down while watching Conference.

The family is the foundation of 
The glory of God is intelligence, both Spiritual and Scientific.
Life is not only to be enjoyed in retrospect.
Do simple acts of service daily.
Take an inventory of your life and look for the blessings, both large and small, you have received.
The future is as bright as your faith.

I really enjoyed conference this year. so great that clear over here in the Caribbean, I can still listen to the prophets voice.

Chao for now.